Welcome! This page is for my reincarnation isekai fantasy manga-style light novel: Reincarnated in a Fantasy World with Murderous Intent.
As of the beginning of Feb 2025, this series is 11 books, and I’m working on the next, which I’m aiming to get out next month.
All books in the series are available on Amazon (and Kindle Unlimited). I’ve priced the books there as low as they will let me, so please don’t be put off if you don’t subscribe to KU.
Click on the links below, or here, to be taken to your local Kindle store.
Book 1 – Baby Steps – Having finally killed the demon that murdered his family – at the expense of his own life – Marc finds himself in a weird kind of limbo. The ruler of this limbo, Midex, informs him that the demon actually managed to escape, back to the world it had originated from. Given a choice, Marc elects to be reincarnated in this world, to hunt it down once again. Upon opening his eyes though, he finds he has to start again – as a baby!

Book 2 – Academy – Theo has made it back from the farm with his new goblin friend Gisel, survived a spider infested dungeon and his first mage battle against the mysterious Isakar. Now he faces his first year as a student of magic. Lessons in this school though, are not limited to the classroom! The giant dungeon underneath the building and combat tournaments are simply two trials he will have to navigate, with his new friends by his side, and some enemies in his way!

Book 3 – Royal Pains – After Theo helps Ella with her prince problem, the family head off to El for the holidays. Once again the trip is not without incident, as, after an encounter with the bishop of death, Theo realises he may have made a huge mistake. Back at the academy this comes home to roost, when he and his newly reformed party are assigned to the royal palace, and are soon embroiled in political upheaval!

Book 4 – Demonic Whispers – Surviving the coup, Theo and his party are thanked by the queen, and offered rewards. However, an urgent mission comes up first, and so they are sent off to Cowl, a port town to the west of Silfen, where are assigned to track down the gang who is responsible for a spate of kidnappings – suspected slavers. Of course, they are up to the task, but the culprits may be more than anyone bargained for!

Book 5 – The Badlands – Theo and his party are in their third year of the academy and have been sent to the Badlands on secondment to the army for combat training. Alongside this, Theo has to try and find the dragon’s Soulstone, and return it to Phire. Such a powerful item is sure to be a problem, especially as he has to steal it from hostile demonic forces!

Book 6 – Swept Away – Theo has to escape the fort, avoid the scary demon called the Pale Lady, and escort Millicent back to the Royal Dragon.
Avoiding the Pale Lady is one thing, but after that he and his group have to make their way back through hostile terrain and into the dungeon.
But there is treachery and twists and turns at every step.
Not only that, a prophet once told him he’s going to go on a long journey. She didn’t say how he was going to travel though…

Book 7 – Arena.
After being captured by slavers, Theo is sold to the beastkin arena, where life is cheap and death is a daily occurrence.
He needs to escape, but with his magical ability restricted, this becomes problematic.
Time is limited though, and with the Queen’s Festival approaching, he has to figure out some way of getting, not just out of the arena, but across the pirate infested seas and home!

Book 8 – Empire!
Tho has made it to Pirate Island, and now needs to get to the next stage of his journey, the Dominion Empire. That means joining the crew of the dreaded Captain Red, an ancient pirate with a fearsome reputation.
Except Theo is also developing a reputation. One of a cold-blooded killer, and it worries him.
Yet in pursuit his goal of getting back home, he has to make choices, and some of these choices lead him further down the path of darkness.
Can Theo pull back from the edge, or will he fall into the abyss?

Theo, after completing a dangerous mission against a necromancer, has come to the attention of the Dominion Empire. Summoned to the provincial capital, he is ‘offered an opportunity’ – which he really can’t turn down. At least not without a whole heap of trouble.
So, with his party, and an unexpected ally, he makes his way to his new home, where countless problems await his attention.
Follow Theo as he fights his dark impulses and tries to keep his party on-side, whilst overcoming the obstacles in his way, so he can finally make progress on his journey back home!

Book 10 – The Journey East – Theo has been made a Lord! However, he’s been made a lord of a Domain that has problems. Still, if you are prepared to use violence and intimidation to get what you want, then things can get done!
So, with the help of his friends, and the use of magic, Theo finds the Way. And once that’s done, all he has to do is get across an impenetrable mountain range!

Book 11 – The Gap! – Theo is in The Gap, and having problems. A monk is determined to expose him to the authorities, and after a brief battle, has fled into the nearby dungeon, which is suddenly teeming with undead for some reason.
Now Theo, with one colleague, has to give chase, avoiding the dangers of the dungeon whilst hunting him down. This proves more problematic than expected, with the appearance of some old, and not welcome, acquaintances along the way.
Can Theo conquer The Gap, and finally make his way to the infamous Dumegard?
Only time will tell!

Book 12 – Dumegard! Theo has finally made it to the infamous city dungeon – Dumegard!
Now all he has to do is find his way through the huge space carved into the giant mountain range by ancient beings, avoid a wizard bent on revenge, fight bandits with strange powers, try and get away from strange and powerful beings from other dimensions, and make it through the deepest levels of the dungeon alive!